Honoring the Best of Consulting Engineering since 1989.

Intent to Submit ▷

Project Submission  ▷

Other Submissions  ▷

Important Dates

February 2, 2024:
Project Submissions Due

February 9, 2024:
Individual Submissions Due

May 16, 2024:
Celebration Gala


May 16, 2024 @ The Queen Elizabeth Theatre

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies BC is proud to host the 34th Awards for Engineering Excellence Gala – an annual celebration of the internationally recognized innovation and technical excellence of ACEC British Columbia member firms.

The Awards
👑 Lieutenant Governor’s Award 👑
🏆 Award of Excellence 🏆
🎉 Award of Merit 🎉
💎 Meritorious Achievement Award 💎
💼 Client of the Year Award 💼
⭐ Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award ⭐
🌱 Young Professional Award 🌱

The Reach

Gala Attendees

Projects Featured

Social Media Impressions

Website Views



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