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LNG Canada Material Offloading Facility

Owner: LNG Canada  |  Client: BAM JJM Manson Joint Venture  |  Kitimat, BC


About the Project

LNG Canada, is currently constructing the largest private capital investment project in Canadian history. Once completed, numerous process plant and marine components operating together will export 26 million tonnes of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) per annum to global markets, providing cleaner burning coal alternatives from this $14 billion export terminal built on 430 hectares in Kitimat, BC. To enable the construction of this terminal and facilities, a $96 million, 550-metre-long wharf, known as the Material Offloading Facility (MOF), was built. Its purpose is to receive construction materials and prefabricated LNG plant modules up to 8,000 tonnes and over 10 stories high via heavy-lift marine transport. The LNGC MOF is the largest steel sheet pile bulkhead ever constructed in BC and was the first project in Canada designed in accordance with the new CSA EXP276.1 guidelines “Design Requirements for Marine Structures Associated with LNG Facilities”.

The entire LNG plant construction depends on the completeness and full operation of the MOF. Due to insufficient existing marine facilities and the remote location, the creation of the MOF was the only feasible option to receive the size and loads of equipment and modules needed for terminal construction. The new bulkhead and laydown area is required to unload the large LNG modules and act as a temporary equipment and module storage area.

With the tight construction timeline of the entire LNG project contingent on operation of the MOF, Stantec’s integrated design teams embarked on an expedited design timeline, working closely under a tight schedule to create intelligent, site and project specific solutions allowing for design and construction under a tighter timeline without sacrificing design standards. This project will see significant revenue for provincial and federal governments, while construction and operation phases of the MOF and the wider facility employ thousands and help support the regional economy.


As the prime design consultant for the LNGC MOF, Stantec led design development with an integrated multi-disciplinary approach consisting of structural and geotechnical marine experts, as well as civil, electrical, and coastal engineers who all work and live in BC. The project team utilized a design philosophy focusing on safety and durability in a design while underlining strength and structure performance. A compressed schedule for design and construction became a driving factor for many innovative, time-reducing design decisions that allowed for on-time module and material delivery.

To remain safe in operation, the design considers numerous environmental conditions, such as sea level rise, extreme local tides up to 7m high, tsunamis, strong waves, currents, and other inclement environmental effects.

The MOF was also designed for large vessel berthing and mooring, heavy self-propelled modular transport surcharge loading, earth pressures, and other construction/offloading requirements. The design loads for the self-propelled modular transporters was a 100 kPa uniform surcharge load applied over the entire backland footprint. The bulkhead wall was also designed to support concentrated strip loads imposed by the offloading ramps.

Although considered a temporary structure with a 10-year operational lifespan, the MOF was intentionally designed with a 25-year durability lifespan should any other functional uses be assigned to the facility after final construction closeout.


    The project was a great success, with all Phase 1 plant LNG modules and construction materials being successfully offloaded without incident and on schedule. Throughout the process, the design team collaborated closely with the contractor, receiving a low number of RFI’s and no claims on this large Design-Build contract. Equally as important, the MOF is waiting for a potential Phase 2—a possibility due to the design team’s focus on the operational life and proof load testing methodology.

      Service(s) Provided
      Design & Construction Supervision Services
      Structural Engineering Design
      Geotechnical Engineering Design
      Electrical Engineering Design


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