Honoring the Best of Consulting Engineering since 1989.

2024 Awards for

Engineering Excellence

2024 Individual & Organization Award Winners

Client of the Year Award Winner: BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure

Client of the Year Award Winner: BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure

In 2016, ACEC-BC introduced the Client of the Year award to recognize clients whose people and practices support strong partnership between client and consultant. Clients selected for this award encourage positive collaboration with consulting engineering companies through effective communication, fair and transparent processes, and respectful working conditions.

2024 Project Award Nominees & Winners

Limberlost Place

Limberlost Place

The 10-storey Limberlost Place holds the distinction of being Ontario’s first tall timber institutional building, showcasing a harmonious blend of sustainable design, structural innovation, and an advanced refabricated envelope system.

Penticton Creek Restoration Phase 3A Upper and 3B

Penticton Creek Restoration Phase 3A Upper and 3B

Stantec designed the restoration of 320-metres of Penticton Creek to create a quality fish habitat while providing flood resiliency. The restoration also supports vital ecosystem functions and provides the community with an attractive outdoor space.

University of Victoria New Student Housing & Dining

University of Victoria New Student Housing & Dining

UVic’s New Student Housing complex is one of Canada’s largest projects designed to meet International Passive House standards. WSP’s Electrical team balanced energy reduction strategies with practical functionality to support this impressive feat.

LNG Canada Material Offloading Facility

LNG Canada Material Offloading Facility

The $96M, 550m long LNG Canada Material Offloading Facility wharf enables Canada’s largest private capital investment project and largest LNG export facility by receiving construction materials and 8,000 tonne plant modules.

Pilot Testing a Living Dike

Pilot Testing a Living Dike

This Project is a pioneering approach to flood protection by restoring & enhancing salt marsh. It experiments with nature-based flood protection in a phased approach, advancing collective knowledge in the field. A first of its kind in Canada.

AI LiDAR, City of Vancouver

AI LiDAR, City of Vancouver

Leveraging the innovative use of artificial intelligence, through an in-house developed AI tool, the AI LiDAR project for the City of Vancouver was able to provide an increased level accuracy, efficiency, and detail in its final deliverable.

5L063 Telkwa Relocation (Bulbous Toe Section) Project

5L063 Telkwa Relocation (Bulbous Toe Section) Project

After 7 years of design and construction, the project moved 2.4 km of a radial transmission line out of the path of the Bulbous Toe Landslide to increase reliability and reduce safety risks of a line that serves a large region in northwest BC.

Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project

Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project

VAFFC, with RAM acting as the Project Delivery Consultant, completed a new fuel receiving, storage and delivery system for the Vancouver Airport Authority which features a marine terminal, 6 fuel storage tanks, and an underground pipeline to YVR.

Sumgas Creek Fish Passage and Stream Restoration

Sumgas Creek Fish Passage and Stream Restoration

Imagine 70 years of isolation—that’s what happened to fish in Sumgas Creek when impassable weirs were built in the 1950s. Stantec designed a new, passable stream channel with LNG Canada. Spawning salmon were seen upstream mere weeks after completion!

Whistler Odour Control

Whistler Odour Control

Wastewater systems aren’t meant to be seen, heard or smelled. End of life municipal infrastructure in Whistler not only increased maintenance costs and public health risks, it generated unpleasant odours & noise. Upgrades at 3 stations changed that.

North Surrey Interceptor No. 2 – Preliminary Design

North Surrey Interceptor No. 2 – Preliminary Design

GHD designed 830m long 2.7m diameter tunnel with a 2.4m x 2.4m box culvert supported on piles for Metro Vancouver, which addressed liquifiable soils, artesian groundwater pressures, in a dense urban setting with environmentally sensitive areas.

Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant

Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant

The new $75 M Rose Valley WTP provides the City of West Kelowna with potable water. The legacy irrigation district customers were historically burdened by seasonal water quality advisories but now receive fully compliant, safe to consume water.

Quartz Creek Bridge Replacement Project

Quartz Creek Bridge Replacement Project

The Quartz Creek Bridge is a bridge replacement project to create a reliable, high-speed route from Kamloops to the Alberta Border. Spanning 180 meters, the new four-laning, lightweight bridge provides enhanced safety and traffic capacity.

Esplanade Complete Street

Esplanade Complete Street

ISL and the City of North Vancouver transformed Esplanade into a vibrant destination street prioritizing safety and mobility. Design firsts for the city and region focused on traffic flow, speed management and user safety within a restricted space.

Red Lillooet River Bridge Deck Renewal

Red Lillooet River Bridge Deck Renewal

AtkinsRéalis provided deck renewal engineering services for the Red Lillooet River Bridge on Hwy 99 in BC. In collaboration with the owner and the project team, the project improved public safety and bridge performance with a sustainable solution.

Highway 29 Realignment

Highway 29 Realignment

The Hwy 29 Realignment involved 5 new bridge crossings & was necessary as the new Site C reservoir will inundate the current highway. WSP addressed various technical challenges & successfully delivered the project prior to filling of Site C reservoir

Vye Road and Highway 11 Improvements Project

Vye Road and Highway 11 Improvements Project

The Vye Road, Highway 11 transportation improvement project is a significant investment to upgrade the infrastructure in Abbotsford. This project involved significant engineering challenges that were overcome to ensure successful completion.

Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4 – Viaducts

Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4 – Viaducts

BASIS Engineering designed an innovative solution for the Kicking Horse Canyon Ph4 project requiring numerous techniques and details for the use of compact precast components to allow for rapid bridge construction of Viaducts to span unstable slopes.

Ross Street Underpass

Ross Street Underpass

As a result of Ross Street Underpass, downtown Salmon Arm is now well-connected with its waterfront and is currently benefitting with increased tourism, faster emergency responses, community building, employment opportunities, and economic growth.

The Stack

The Stack

The Stack, with its distinctive “stacked box” design, is now Vancouver’s tallest office building constructed according to zero carbon standards. It is a unique addition to the downtown Vancouver skyline.

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