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Lions Gate Bridge Reversible Lane Control System Rehabilitation

Owner: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure  |  Vancouver, BC


About the Project

The Lions Gate Bridge (LGB) is a critical Metro Vancouver transportation corridor. 60,000+ vehicles use the bridge each day leading to congestion, especially during the morning and afternoon commutes. The original Reversible Lane Control System (RLCS) was installed in 1994 to improve traffic flow, and was partly upgraded in 2002. In the intervening years, the RLCS operated reliably but the system was now 20 years old, with critical software and control components no longer supported by manufacturers. The RLCS was not capable of sustaining long-term reliability, maintainability, and operational throughput needs. PBX was engaged to design, program, and implement a replacement RLCS, including software, control systems, field devices, and all supporting infrastructure.

Using proven Systems Engineering principles and innovative best practices, PBX developed a modern, highly resilient, highly integrated solution. PBX architected and programmed a complete new lane control system software package that is secure, extensible, and utilizes high performance interface standards. Extensive software testing and validation procedures were undertaken at all stages.
A critical part of the implementation was a comprehensive cutover plan that took 8 months to develop and coordinate to transfer the RLCS from old to new control systems with minimal traffic interruptions. The highly detailed plan leveraged PBX’s extensive integration experience and reduced the cutover of the entire control system to just 3 evening bridge closures over one weekend.

This was a pivotal project as it refreshed the lifecycle for 25 years and left this important asset in a highly resilient and reliable condition. The project sets the stage for future upgrades. Indeed, across Canada, many important transportation technology assets are nearing the end of their lifespan. The LGB-RLCS rehabilitation demonstrates their usefulness can be extended for years to come by upgrading or replacing underlying technologies.


The LGB demands high reliability and availability in all aspects of the control system. The refreshed 25-year lifespan required replacing all software, control system, network, and infrastructure components. Using Systems Engineering best practices, PBX planned, designed, and programmed the system to address the requirements of all stakeholders.

Software development was the cornerstone of this project. RLCS are unique – there are no standards and PBX’s experience in this field, and related industries, was invaluable. PBX architected and programmed the complete software solution to control this critical life safety system. Modern software development methodologies were employed to provide a secure, scalable, and future-proof solution. The technical design used state-of-the-art industrial control methods with full redundancy of critical components including controllers, servers, network appliances, cameras, and fibre optics.

A hands-on approach to systems integration was critical to the project’s success. PBX developed and implemented a comprehensive project test plan with multiple stages of testing throughout the development lifecycle. To minimize risk, the entire new control system was integrated and tested off site prior to installation.

PBX planned and oversaw a safe and efficient cutover, including lane control software, power distribution, network, and video management, that required only 3 nighttime closures on 1 weekend, allowing normal traffic flow during the day.


  • Successful implementation of a sophisticated, high-availability software solution and control system to extend asset lifespan
  • Increased road safety and cybersecurity, reduced maintenance and system downtime
  • Maximized traffic throughput during peak commuter times
  • Minimized traveller inconvenience by completing cutover using only 3 nighttime closures over 1 weekend
  • Delivered on time and on budget despite lengthy procurement lead times and delays caused by COVID-19 and supply chain issues

Service(s) Provided
-PBX designed, programmed, and implemented a complete replacement of the Lions Gate Bridge Reversible Lane Control System.

-Services included project management, systems engineering, detailed design, construction services, software programming, systems integration, system cutover planning, and full testing & commissioning.

PBX applied modern industrial control system design and programming methodologies, as well as industry best practices to develop a new, highly effective, and highly integrated solution that included the integration of many new Intelligent Transportation System components.

Project Team (Consultants)
Paladin Technologies
Action Electric
Cobra Electric


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