Honoring the Best of Consulting Engineering since 1989.

Meet the 2022 Client of the Year Award Winner

City of Richmond

The Client of the Year Award recognizes a client who encourages positive collaboration with consulting engineering companies through effective communication, fair and transparent processes, and respectful working conditions.

In 2016, ACEC-BC introduced the Client of the Year award to recognize clients whose people and practices support strong partnership between client and consultant. Clients selected for this award encourage positive collaboration with consulting engineering companies through effective communication, fair and transparent processes, and respectful working conditions.

Partnership is the cornerstone of excellence in consulting engineering practice, and this award gives our members the opportunity to show our appreciation to select clients who go above and beyond to build community and partnership with our industry.

In selecting the City of Richmond, the jury considered their use of prequalification and concept sketches to support clear scope and delivery expectations, as well as use of standard contract terms based on language developed by the MMCD. The City’s engineering team was recognized for their excellent communication of scope and management of projects, which contribute to efficient change order processes.

Learn more about the City of Richmond by visiting richmond.ca

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