This Project is a pioneering approach to flood protection by restoring & enhancing salt marsh. It experiments with nature-based flood protection in a phased approach, advancing collective knowledge in the field. A first of its kind in Canada.
Highway 8 – Hydrotechnical and Geotechnical Emergency Response
In Nov. 2021, Hwy 8 experienced a catastrophic flood, severing access to several communities. Over 25 sites damaged, 7km of highway lost, & 60km of river channel devastated. KWL & Ecora worked together to complete the hydrotechnical & geotechnical hazards mitigation…
Shoreline Impacts Calculator for Changing Climates
Climate change-induced drought is drying up BC rivers. Upgrading dams or weirs provides a source of extra flow, to improve drought resiliency. Regulating lake levels can have negative impacts to shorelines. Estimating impacts for modest, & nuanced changes in lake levels…
Macaulay Point Pump Station
The Capital Regional District’s new Macaulay Point Pump Station is BC’s largest municipal sewage pump station and, with a capacity of 400MLD, it can fill an Olympic size swimming pool in 9 minutes and is still optimized for daily flows. Rather than designing and selecting…