ISL and the City of North Vancouver transformed Esplanade into a vibrant destination street prioritizing safety and mobility. Design firsts for the city and region focused on traffic flow, speed management and user safety within a restricted space.
Othello Road Southbound Lane Reinstatement
November 2021’s atmospheric river event caused flooding and washouts, damaging over 20 sites along 130 km of the Coquihalla Highway. ISL provided coordinating professional engineer services, highway and drainage engineering design, utility coordination…
Deltaport Truck Staging Facility
The team delivered the Deltaport Truck Staging Facility (DTSF) using environmentally and culturally responsible, seismically stable, site appropriate solutions. The DTSF allows 145 container trucks with room for early arrivals and adds numerous safety improvements…
Bowker Creek Daylighting Feasibility Study
ISL Engineering
Bowker Creek is an urban creek that travels through the University of Victoria campus, Saanich and Victoria before merging with the ocean through Oak Bay. Over time, much of the creek has been hidden underground in a series of storm sewers to accommodate urban development…
Newton Town Centre Bus Lanes and Intersection Improvements
ISL Engineering
The (1.6 km) stretch of the King Boulevard between 64 Avenue and Hall Road near the Newton Town Centre is a significant north/south transportation corridor in the City of Surrey. The six-lane roadway was mainly dominated by car-centric traffic, with little pedestrian accessibility, and limited convenience of transit travel.