McElhanney’s Culvert Vulnerability tool allowed MoTI to determine the vulnerability to climate change of their culverts, tracking assets that have been upgraded or replaced, with the new asset resilient to predicted effects of climate change.
Guichon Creek Daylighting
Guichon Creek’s transformation is a triumph of resilience and innovation. What started as a culvert failure became an opportunity to daylight a lost waterway, restore critical fish habitat, and construct a naturalized fishway.
AI LiDAR, City of Vancouver
Leveraging the innovative use of artificial intelligence, through an in-house developed AI tool, the AI LiDAR project for the City of Vancouver was able to provide an increased level accuracy, efficiency, and detail in its final deliverable.
Kitimat Flood Risk Management Strategy
The journey to sustainable flood risk management does not involve a single project. Instead, it calls for a staged plan that involves local communities, identifies needs and responds to them in a thought-out way. By providing flood mapping in tandem…
Highway 91 / 17 Upgrade Project
The Highway 91 / 17 Upgrade project upgraded the existing Highway 91, 17, and 91 connector corridors to improve travel safety and efficiency. These highways are major trucking routes, connecting the Port of Vancouver’s Roberts Bank terminal…
Othello Road – Location C
Recovery from the 2021 Atmospheric River Event in BC provided an opportunity to rethink traditional approaches to mitigating scour and erosion of road embankments adjacent to watercourses, with a focus on integrating environmental benefits into project development life cycles. 
Highway 3 Jaffray Overhead and Big Sand Creek Bridge Replacement
A substandard S-curve on Highway 3 posed risks for drivers, and two bridges at the end of their service life required replacement. McElhanney’s design transformed this section of the highway, minimizing traffic disruptions and ensuring a safer route.
Highway 1 Malahat Tunnel Hill Washout
The November 2021 extreme rainfall event overwhelmed drainage, resulting in local failure to a wall supporting Highway 1. McElhanney and Thurber mobilized immediately and worked together to restore this crucial highway link on an expedited schedule.
Fairview-Ridley Connector Corridor
One of Western Canada’s largest container trade corridors, the Fairview Container Terminal in Prince Rupert has experienced a boom in export operations. With this growth comes increased traffic—the number of trucks travelling on Highway 16…
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award: McElhanney
A Balancing Act – Bringing the Bayonne Bridge into the modern age
By the new millennium, the size of modern shipping vessels was only increasing, and the 151ft (46m) clearance height of the Bayonne Bridge became a significant bottleneck to access for the busiest port district on the Eastern Seaboard. The bridge, constructed in 1931, spans the Kill Van Kull strait connecting Staten Island, New York, with Bayonne, New Jersey…
LNGC Offsite Habitat Offsets – Anderson Creek Fishway
Kitimat is the Pacific terminus for LNG Canada’s proposed export pipeline. One of the environmental conditions required for Federal approval was to restore access for migrating pink and coho salmon to spawning grounds in Anderson Creek which had not been available to the fish for more than 65 years…
A Tight Squeeze – Comox Valley Watermain Leak Drama
Less than four months before the beginning of peak water demand season, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) discovered a massive leak in the 900mm diameter steel transmission main providing 83% of its water. CVRD’s ability to provide drinking water…