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RapidBus in Rapid Time

Owner: TransLink  |  Greater Vancouver Area, BC


About the Project

TransLink’s RapidBus program is delivering a package of transit enhancements and customer amenity upgrades that supports bus speed and reliability and an improved experience on TransLink’s busiest bus routes. The RapidBus project consists of more than 60 km of bus priority infrastructure and over 120 upgraded bus stops across 10 communities in the Metro Vancouver region.

WSP, Access Planning, and Nelson-Nygaard collaborated with and coordinated input from local governments, TransLink, and the Coast Mountain Bus operator to implement street and traffic changes that will speed up bus-travel times, including changes to traffic signals and turn restrictions, introducing dedicated bus lanes, and more. Active Transportation is promoted through the design with improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure along the corridors where possible. The specific requirements and local contexts of each organization were considered.

Traffic analysis was undertaken by assessing the overall traffic demand at both the macro and micro level at specific intersections, to confirm the effectiveness and viability of design interventions. Key challenges and opportunities requiring context sensitive solutions included termini design, local stop integration, and responding to evolving urban areas with established and constrained conditions.

RapidBus features high-capacity vehicles, priority over general traffic, and fast, frequent, and reliable service beyond what is achievable with conventional transit. This project also aims to support climate resiliency within the transportation network by promoting more sustainable and healthy modes of transportation and providing mobility choices that are viable alternatives to driving.

Service(s) Provided
Prime Consultant

Additional Team Members

Access Planning and Nelson-Nygaard 

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