About the Project
The (1.6 km) stretch of the King Boulevard between 64 Avenue and Hall Road near the Newton Town Centre is a significant north/south transportation corridor in the City of Surrey. The six-lane roadway was mainly dominated by car-centric traffic, with little pedestrian accessibility, and limited convenience of transit travel.
Recognizing the need to build towards the future to promote sustainable transportation methods, the City of Surrey retained ISL Engineering and Land Services (ISL) to develop a multi-modal transportation system – a future-focused network that would increase pedestrian safety, transit mobility, and provide much needed beautification of this gateway corridor.
Completed on time and within budget in 2019, the enhanced roadway aligns with the City of Surrey’s Vision Zero goals.
It boasts a renewed pavement surface, raised landscaped medians, “walk-through” corner delta islands, signal modifications, and bus queue jumping lanes with coloured pavement markings to identify conflict zones for both bus and cyclists, promoting more sustainable transportation methods.
This project required ISL to undertake design and construction of pavement rehabilitation, intersection reconfiguration, and laning channelization improvements along King George Boulevard between 64 Avenue and Hall Road in the City of Surrey.

Service(s) Provided
Transportation engineering, municipal engineering, traffic engineering.
Additional Team Members
Eurovia British Columbia Inc.
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