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R6 RapidBus Project – Scott Road Corridor

Owner: TransLink  |  Surrey and Delta, BC


About the Project

The R6 RapidBus project runs along Scott Road and 72 Avenue between Scott Road Exchange and Newton Exchange, serving the cities of Surrey and Delta. Launched in January 2024, the R6 RapidBus addresses critical issues of overcrowding and delays in one of the region’s fastest-growing areas. Enhancing transit services in this corridor was vital since there was a 16% increase in bus boardings between 2019 and 2023.

The R6 RapidBus introduced faster, more reliable, and more accessible transit options to meet these demands.

The project aligns with TransLink’s RapidBus Program principles, which emphasize travel time savings, improved service quality, and enhanced user experience. Key features along the Scott Road corridor include dedicated bus lanes, optimized stop placements, and a centre-median bus platform to improve boarding efficiency and reduce delays. Their new 60-foot articulated buses can now provide high-frequency service, operating every 7.5 minutes during peak hours and every 15 minutes off-peak.

By leveraging existing infrastructure and employing cost-effective strategies, TransLink minimized expenditures while maximizing benefits. Within six months of its launch, the R6 RapidBus has delivered significant results that include 19,000 average daily boardings and an increase of 1,000 riders per day—indicating a growth in public reliance on transit.

Beyond improving transit, the R6 RapidBus is a more sustainable mode of transport that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes public transportation. Features like hybrid diesel-electric buses, free Wi-Fi, real-time information systems, and enhanced stop amenities further elevate the passenger experience and make it a more appealing mode of transport. This project highlights TransLink’s commitment to delivering scalable, innovative, and sustainable transit solutions in Metro Vancouver.


The R6 RapidBus project was designed to address transit challenges along the Scott Road corridor by enhancing efficiency, reliability, and accessibility. Our engineering team conducted a detailed analysis of ridership patterns, traffic delays, and corridor constraints to develop a targeted approach.

Key features of the corridor design included dedicated bus lanes, centre-median bus platforms, and optimized stop placements to reduce delays and improve passenger flow. VISSIM traffic modelling ensured proposed improvements were practical and effective, while stakeholder feedback helped align the design with community needs. Accessibility enhancements, such as tactile surfaces and audio systems for visually impaired users, were included in stop designs to improve inclusivity.

Minimizing disruptions was a top priority during construction. A phased construction approach and night work maintained traffic flow on the busy arterial road. Close coordination with utility providers resolved potential conflicts, enabling timely relocations.

The project’s holistic approach—balancing technical innovation, stakeholder collaboration, and environmental sustainability—resulted in a transformative transit solution. By addressing the unique challenges of the corridor, the R6 RapidBus project has significantly improved public transit in Surrey and Delta.


Within six months of launch, the R6 RapidBus achieved daily boardings of 19,000 and growing, reduced travel time by over 20%, and improved reliability by 9%. The project successfully delivered faster, more reliable, and more environmentally friendly transit services that contribute significantly to regional sustainability goals. With enhanced user experience and increased capacity, the R6 RapidBus is a model of scalable, cost-effective urban transit.

    Service(s) Provided
    Transportation Planning
    Traffic Engineering
    Engineering Design
    Construction Services

    Project Team (Contractors)
    Cewe Infrastructure 
    Klohn Crippen Berger 
    DMD & Associates


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